Chamber Committees

Chamber Affairs
Committee Chair: Jill Chapman
Committee Purpose: Membership recruitment, nomination of Directors and Officers, award presentations, budget and audit functions, organize meeting dates and times, and any other internal Chamber issues that may need to be addressed.

Business Development
Committee Chair: James Goltz
Committee Purpose: Promote commerce in Bunker Hill, organize Chamber wide promotions, develop business and industry in the Bunker Hill area, serve as liaison for City, County, State, and Federal government officials, and organize Coffee-N-Commerce meetings.
The Business Development committee will have an internet and website subcommittee to design, develop and maintain the Chamber’s website and Facebook page

Community Events and Marketing
Committee Chair: Robin Payne & Jill Chapman
Committee Purpose: Promote the Bunker Hill Community. Organize and plan special Chamber community events which may include but are not limited to the Fall Fest, Christmas Walk, and any other Chamber sponsored public events.